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Lain inVerse

A member registered Feb 04, 2015

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(1 edit)

Line's Peculiar Voyage

Succubus' Sail to Success

However, the name actually doesn't have to mean anything. You may as well keep it as-is.

(7 edits)

Won fight against boss of second world. Got this.




action number 1

of Alarm Event for alarm 0

for object obj_camera:

Unable to find any instance for object index '400' name 'obj_luciabossfight_listener'

at gml_Object_obj_camera_Alarm_0


gml_Object_obj_camera_Alarm_0 (line -1)

Got past this on the second attempt.

Another bug: if you open menu during cutscenes with image at background and close it image will disappear. Even following images won't appear. As for example, open 3rd scene from the Gallery, open and close menu there.

Another bug: lost progress in "Look At You" (including gallery) after beating World 1 boss. Seems like it resets all the other progress for whatever reason.

BTW, minor UI improvement — at start place cursor at Load Game if there's a save file present. Pretty much all games do this because it's convenient.

Another BTW, text plate covers everything at the bottom in the cutscenes. In "Lucia's Eyes" it literally covers all the action. It makes sense to add a hotkey to show/hide it or adjust scenes to consider this thing.

> The game will probably download and install a small Visual Studio update.

It doesn't. Doesn't run without it either.

Oh, haven't thought the character will change on the way. That would be interesting!

I want to see this on Steam Greenlight!

It also would be nice to select a character gender, but don't forget about this: IT'S IMPORTANT. :P